
Хуурай массажны сойз, зөөлөн үстэй, арьсан бариултай

Богино тайлбар
Dry brushing for Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Бүтээгдэхүүний код:2-031
Үлдэгдэл: 3

Биеийн хуурай массажны сойзоор “Dry brushing” хийж өөрсдийгөө эрхлүүлэнгээ эрүүлжих үү? Dry brushing нь

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Benefits of Lymphatic Drainage Massage / Dry brushing


The benefits of lymphatic drainage are extensive, mainly in the transport and removal of stagnant fluids, but it also:

·      Stimulates blood circulation and tissue regeneration.

·      Directs and increases lymphatic flow, promoting faster removal of excess interstitial fluid

·      Reduces swelling and water retention

·      Improves the immune system due to the important elimination of toxins

·      Minimizes the appearance of cellulite by reducing the amount of fluid that presses up against the cross-hatched fibers beneath your skin

·      Promotes body and mental relaxation

·      Provides an overall lightness in the body

·      Energizes the body: While Carson says that "there isn’t enough scientific research to support lymphatic drainage outside of medical treatment for lymphedema," she notes that "many individuals report improvements in symptoms including energy, focus, reduced puffiness, and mood."
